The quiet neighborhood of Winchester Hills has several trails that allow for a walk or jog alongside a natural habitat area. Most of the paths are paved, but the southern most portion of the trails are not paved, and not maintained. Blackberry bushes encroach the trail in spots, and part of the fence is leaning in at another spot. This does provide an interesting little access to the natural area. I find it unfortunate that there are no through trails to connect to the Lewis and Clark Pedestrian Viewpoint. If connected with other nearby trails, this could provide a nice network.
Trails in Winchester Hills along the natural area. An unmaintained trail in Winchester Hills A hidden picnic area in Winchester Hills Neighborhood Picnic Area and Playground
Trails are connected to the roads at SE 196th Ave, SE 196th Ct, SE 41st St, SE Harmony Pl, SE 38th Cir, SE Lacy Way, and SE 36th St.