This neighborhood has several nice trails that meander along the creek and past several wetland sites.
McConnell Park, Battle Ground City of Battle Ground wetland area. Neighborhood path Trails follow a small stream through this neighborhood. Wetland, trail and trees meander through the neighborhood.
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Here is one option for a nice 1-1/2 mile loop walk in this neighborhood.
- Start at NW 6th St and NW 29th Pl (enjoy the wetland at this site).
- Walk east along 6th St, then left to continue on 6th St, follow it as it curves to the left and becomes NW 25th Ave.
- Cross to McConnell Park, and walk the sidewalk around the park (along 8th St and 24th Ave), then follow the path back across the park to 25th Ave.
- Walk north on 25th Ave, cross 10th Way, then enter the dirt path to the right.
- Follow this dirt path along the stream, cross 12th St and continue alongside the stream.
- Cross the bridge over the stream to 22nd Pl.
- Go north and follow the grassy path across the field to NW 15th St.
- Turn left, then turn left onto the paved pedestrian path toward the south.
- Follow the right branch of this path to 24th Ave.
- Cross 24th and follow the pedestrian path to 25th Ave.
- Go south along 25th Ave, pass 12th St and 11th St then turn right onto the paved pedestrian pathway.
- You can cross 27th Ave, but the pathway straight ahead dead ends, so instead turn left onto 27th Ave, then turn right on 10th St.
- A short distance down 10th St, turn left onto another paved pedestrian pathway.
- Follow this path to 7th St.
- Turn left, then right onto NW 30th Path.
- Follow that path to NW 6th St and back to your start point.